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Unfiltered and Clown Cult

בחודשים האחרונים התחלתי לעבוד עם קבוצה נפלאה של יוצרים, עבדתי איתם יחד בפרוייקט 48 והם הצליחו לייצר סרט קצר ומרשים של חמש דקות עם שחקנים ולוקיישנים רבים! לאחר מכן עבדנו יחד על סרט נוסף שנמצא עכשיו בפוסט - CLOWN CULT.

סרט שמאיר באור אחר את תעשיית התרופות והמציאות העכשווית.

In the last few months I've started working with a great group of creators lead by producer Nicole Feinholz and Director and Writer Tsuk Ben-Zvi. We took part together in the 48 hours project and they were able to create a great short with at least 5 locations and almost 10 actors, their vision and they way they were able to push through was just unbelievable. After the project they decided to cast me in another short - Clown Cult (in post production). A film that was meant to shed a light on the Pharmaceutical industry and the reality we live in. Once again it was a pleasure and so much fun!

You can follow both of these films' FB pages here and check out the trailers:

Here are some cool screen shorts from Unfiltered:

And here is a little taste of Clown Cult:

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